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I am project obsessed! I also have a some what distorted belief that I can D-I-Y everything!!! I'm in my mid 30's and still trying to figure life out.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

St. Valentine's Day

I'm not sure if I should spill all my good ideas for a romantic Valentine's Day.... Okay, only because you beg!

1. Camp indoors. I know this sounds silly, after all, it's February, but hear me out. Remember when you were little and you'd turn over the sofa onto the cocktail table (also known as a coffee table - sorry for the formality - blame it on my Interior Design schooling) and then throw a sheet over to create a tent? Pure imagination and whimsy! Why not recreate that feeling but with some romance? Bonus if you have a fireplace!!!

Added suggestions: Make Valentine themed s'mores! Above is a great example.

2. String Christmas lights throughout your room of choice with words written out. This is an alternative to candles and roses. Let's face it, that one is sooo tired.

3. Go to Comedy/Improv Show: Laughing can be really sexy! Sure dinner and a show sounds super romantic, but haven't you done that before? Then tell each other every joke you can remember. If you don't know any there are tons of websites and aps. 

4. Make a vision board: Okay this may be a stretch for some dudes and I get it if you are groaning at the idea. However, vision boards can be a fun project that will bring you closer together. Planning your individual futures shows your confidence and self worth as individuals and a couple. I split mine up into the following sections: Values, Love, New Adventures, Family, Professional Goals, Wealth, Charity, Personal Fulfillment (mind, body and soul).  Then I put it at my bedside table next to special happy things:  pictures of my babies and niece (Tabby, Dora, and Mya), my mom and sister and a candle my mother gave me. 
Here's what you'll need:
Poster boards - I bought mine at the 99cent store
Magazines - to gather images, quotes, etc

So, these are just out of the box/against the norm ideas of how to spend your VDay. If you think about it, you don't need a guy for 3 of them! Call your friends over and have a tent slumber party while you eat s'mores and make vision boards! 

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